Saturday, April 25, 2009

First big gardening day

Little pea shoots are coming up along the fence.
Rhubarb is looking good. We'll be eating the first of it very soon!

Today started with "The New Yankee Workshop", followed by "Victory Garden", and finished off with "30 Minute Meals"...
I was up by 8:30 to get going on my projects. First I build 4 square-foot garden grids using a bundle of 4' laths I bought for $7.50. It was surprisingly tiring to do all that drilling! After a brief interlude to hit the farmers' market, I planted 4 squares of French breakfast radish, 4 squares of Chinese white radish, 4 squares of lettuce, 8 squares of swiss chard, and 6 squares of beets. I also put in 5 Yukon gold potato plants, but not in the grid system. Finally, I put in the gooseberry bush that I got at Meijer. No clue if it will do anything, but I thought it was worth a shot!

Between it all I got some laundry done. I got the big piece of vintage chambray at a thrift store (4+ yards), so now I am dreaming up a use for it.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

For real this time...

Obviously I was a bit premature in the last post, considering that it SNOWED this month. But now it is getting warm and lovely. I see pea shoots coming up in the garden, and the rhubarb is very robust. This weekend the lettuce and radishes will go in. Maybe some pictures?

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Spring is almost here!

I am hoping to keep a log of my gardening activities this year. Stay tuned!